Readings Due for 2/26

Article: Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, the Shut Up and Listen

This article shared my thoughts exactly when it comes to interactive art! My identical twin attends the University of Maine in Farmington for art. Every year she assigned to create an interactive art performance, and she always becomes so frustrated every year when she has to do this because her group members cannot grasp the concept that this article expresses. Her group members always insist upon creating handouts that explicitly state the message of the piece, leaving no room for interpretation to the viewer. These art pieces are not technology-based, yet still have to offer some form of interactivity. I've attended one of these events and most of the pieces involve students giving you slips of paper that tell you to feel good about your body and stuff. Typical Farmington, I guess. 

Books: Sketching User Experiences

I paid more attention to the workbook in my browsing. I enjoyed the fact that the workbook presented more of the nitty-gritty and technical skills that one must have when it comes to designing and sketching. Since I already have a background in art, most of these techniques do not surprise me, and I already understand the value of visually planning. I'm not quite sure how else you could come up with a device without even knowing what you want it to look like! 

However, I'm not claiming to be amazing at art. I can visualize things and interpret my imagination onto a page, but I am not skilled at photo-realistic art. I'd say that I have a little bit more skill than most, but nowhere near the level, my twin sister is at. She can do photorealism, which is quite amazing. 

I recently acquired an iPad to draw digitally rather than on paper. I still enjoy sketching on paper, but the iPad allows me to have more specific control over what I am creating, and I enjoy that very much. I suppose I owe it to you to provide you an example of what I can do, so here is a piece that I have recently created:


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